Saturday, June 14, 2008


Darwin himself said that future scientists would find fossils of “transitional forms.” Here’s what he meant: If fish really evolved into animals, you would find fossils of creatures that were half-fish, half-animal. This would show that one species was making a transition into another.
So far, no transitional forms have ever been discovered! And of course, no transitional creature exists today. Let’s be honest: Have you ever gone to the zoo and seen a cross between a fish and an animal? Or a half-man, half-monkey?
Fossil: This is a shrimp fossil found in Lebanon. These pictures tell scientists what fish and animals looked like long ago.
All the creatures living on this planet are perfectly formed. There is no record of any animal, fish, beast or creature EVER turning into a different species.
In fact, the real fossil record shows almost no change. That means many of the creatures on this Earth have not changed since the beginning of time.
Here’s something else you won’t read in the newspaper: Hundreds of scientists and university professors are coming out against evolution. This should be front-page news. But you’ll never hear about it in the media.
Check out what some of them are saying about these missing fossils:
• Professor Steven J. Gould, Harvard University: “The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology.”
Translation: Dr. Gould is a little too kind. The number of transitional forms is ZERO.
• Dr. Colin Patterson, British Museum of Natural History: “I will lay it on the line – there is not one such fossil for which one could make a watertight argument.”
Translation: There’s simply no hard evidence for evolution.
• Dr. Gareth J. Nelson, American Museum of Natural History: “It is a mistake to believe that even one fossil species… can be demonstrated to have been ancestral to another.”
Translation: Darwin’s theory doesn’t have a leg to stand on…
You Think That’s Something? Check This Out…
At some point in our history, thousands of new creatures suddenly appeared. And the scientists actually agree on this. This one fact is enough to put the “theory” of evolution to rest forever.
Think about it… Evolution says that new forms of life never appear suddenly. They tell us new species evolve slowly over “millions of years.” They claim that small mutations occur to a single species and that over time, a new creature is born.
The Trilobite: This complex creature suddenly appeared with no ancestors to evolve from…
If that’s true, then how can thousands of new creatures come to life all at once – like they did during this one period of history?
Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?
Their own scientific discoveries do a nice job of disproving evolution. Yet these very same scientists go on TV and tell us that evolution is “tested and proven.”
It only goes to show: Scientists will believe ANYTHING if the alternative is admitting that God created the world!
When you take God out of His own Creation, crazy things start to happen… You get “respected” scientists saying that fish can sprout legs and monkeys can turn into men.
But when you look under the hood, there’s NO PROOF whatsoever.
Evolution May be the Greatest Hoax in Human History
Let me tell you… All of this really got me worked up. These people are deceiving us at God’s expense.
Even worse, they’re teaching this stuff to our children. Millions of kids are growing up thinking we live in a godless, mechanical world that has no meaning at all.
In spite of many brave parents, schools around the country keep evolution firmly in place – making it the only explanation our kids get. And I don’t have to tell you how difficult that makes it to raise kids with real Christian values.
Left unchecked, evolution will eventually rob you of prayer and your personal relationship with God.
Think about this for a moment: Taking God out of His creation means prayer and communication with God becomes a fairy tale – an impossibility.
Darwin believed prayer and the belief in God comes from an animal’s instinct to feel awe or inspiration from things it doesn’t understand. Scientists now call this “magical thinking.”
Here’s an example: If a monkey sees a leaf blowing in the wind, it may think the leaf has magical powers because it doesn’t know the wind is giving it lift and motion.
Scientists and atheists believe prayer and your faith in God is just a logical next step in the evolution of the “magical thinking” they find in apes and monkeys.
They’re taking us for fools.
And for the most part, we’re not doing anything about it. But if you learn a thing or two about their “theory,” you can win every debate, every time.
Remember Tom… the guy at the restaurant who embarrassed me in front of my friends? I saw him again, two years later. Only this time things were different.
After all my research, he didn’t stand a chance. He folded like a house of cards.
In just a second, I’ll tell you the rest of the story… First, I want to tell you how I sent him packing.
Here’s the key: The average person on the street accepts evolution without understanding it.
They can tell you that it’s “proven”… and that’s about it. If they’ve done their homework, maybe they can tell you that so-and-so did an experiment… or so-and-so wrote a book…
But if you know the missing pieces, you can shoot down every one of their arguments – every time. And because they don’t really understand what they’re defending, they suddenly fall silent when they can’t fire off a come back.
They get shell-shocked when they come up against a Christian who knows more about evolution than they do.
In an ideal world, you should be able to defend God’s Creation with the Bible alone. But we live in dark times.
Scientists, atheists and all those university types will ALWAYS reject the Bible. It doesn’t matter how many passages you quote – they’ll ALWAYS tell you that God is a fantasy.But if you go after their beloved “theory” of evolution – and show them beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s based on a bunch of guesswork, forgeries and outright lies, then congratulations…
You just beat them at their own game.
It’s a great feeling. To see them with their mouths hanging open… A look of shock on their faces… Not knowing what to say… Feeling confused and embarrassed…
My email shows pictures, which I was not able to duplicate here. I have the email.

Google Dorothy Lanman

Sunday, June 8, 2008


STOP POISONING YOURSELFwith the government-approved sugar substitute that can KILL YOU!
Did you know the FDA refused to approve this best selling sweetener for 16 years...until one powerful politician called in a favor and finally got it legalized? Now it's been linked to brain cancer, memory loss, impaired vision, hearing loss, joint pain, asthma, seizures...and the list just keeps going.
Since the 1970s, FDA scientists have been testifying before Congress to get this poisonous sweetener banned from America's foods. But it’s still used in everything from sodas to salad dressings. In fact, Americans gulp down over 450 pounds, per person, of it every year. The food giants are making billions from feeding you the line that aspartame is good for you and will help you lose weight when every ounce of research says just the opposite.
Learn more about the lies that are keeping us sick and fat… and what you can do to feel better and still enjoy the foods you love… Read On - in New Max ( not included here)

STOP POISONING YOURSELFwith the government-approved sugar substitute that can KILL YOU!
Did you know the FDA refused to approve this best selling sweetener for 16 years...until one powerful politician called in a favor and finally got it legalized? Now it's been linked to brain cancer, memory loss, impaired vision, hearing loss, joint pain, asthma, seizures...and the list just keeps going.
Since the 1970s, FDA scientists have been testifying before Congress to get this poisonous sweetener banned from America's foods. But it’s still used in everything from sodas to salad dressings. In fact, Americans gulp down over 450 pounds, per person, of it every year. The food giants are making billions from feeding you the line that aspartame is good for you and will help you lose weight when every ounce of research says just the opposite.
Learn more about the lies that are keeping us sick and fat… and what you can do to feel better and still enjoy the foods you love… Read On

Google Dorothy Lanman

Labels:, you heard it here, news you can use, jim cobb,, Stephanie Haille, Don Hill

Monday, June 2, 2008


Tear Apart the “Theory” of EvolutionAnd Win Every Debate, Every Time…
Show any Skeptic that Evolution is Based on Myths, Falsehoods and Outrageous Lies – In 5 Minutes or Less!
Dear Friend,
I’m fed up with Darwin…
When evolution supporters tried to make me feel foolish for believing in God, I decided to do something about it.
Evolution is not proven fact. Every one of their claims can be torn to shreds. All you need are the missing pieces. Today, I’ll show you what they are.
Within minutes, you’ll:
• Quickly take down self-righteous atheists…
• Easily and accurately defend God’s role as our Creator…
• Send hardened skeptics into a state of confusion…
• Expose the “theory” of evolution and leave scientists with their mouths hanging open…
My name is Jeffrey Howard. If you ever challenged someone on evolution, I have great news.
By the time you read to the end of this letter, you’ll have everything you need to take on the skeptics and win. You’ll never be at a loss for words. The whole evolution debate will be right in your pocket.
Use it anytime, anywhere… It’s much easier than you think. Once you get the real story, it takes less than 5 minutes!
How a Sunday Morning Sermon Changed My Life Forever...
A few years ago, I joined some friends for brunch after church. At the table was the husband of a friend. Let’s call him, “Tom.”
Tom is not a Christian and was not at church with us. But he showed up for the sake of being social. At first, I thought nothing of it. But when I saw his reaction to our conversation, I knew trouble was brewing.
The sermon that morning was from the book of Genesis. Our pastor has a wonderful way of telling the story of Creation. And like many folks do, we got together after church to share our thoughts about it over coffee.
We weren’t talking 5 minutes before this man’s face turned to ash. Without moving a single muscle he said, “The idea that God created the world is childish... Educated men don’t believe in myth and fantasy.”
We were all stunned. He was usually tolerant. But there he was... trying to make us feel ignorant for believing in God’s power to create this marvelous world we live in.
For the next hour and a half, I went head-to-head with the theory of evolution. But I lost.
I just didn’t know how to go up against his arguments. Don’t get me wrong: My knowledge of the Bible is better than most. And my faith is unshakable.
But in that moment, I realized I couldn’t defend God’s place in our lives because I didn’t know a thing about this “theory” of evolution.
After I got home, I felt as if I had somehow let God down. I thought for sure that if I just shared my faith and His teachings, Tom would naturally “get it.” I was wrong...
That’s when everything changed.
The very next day, I decided to do something about it. If I wanted to win, I needed to challenge him on his own turf. And that meant learning everything I could about evolution.
As a freelance writer and investigative journalist specializing in health and medicine, I took on evolution like I would any other project.
For months, I searched trade journals… talked to teachers, preachers and university professors... and looked at all the available evidence; especially the stuff scientists keep out of the media.
And let me tell you something...
What I Discovered about Evolution Gave Me the Shock of My Life
The theory of evolution is full of holes. And I’m not talking about minor differences of opinion. I’m talking about huge, gaping holes you could drive a truck through.
But here’s the problem: We never challenge it.
Defending God’s Word is a great first step. But if you don’t poke holes in the theory of evolution itself, they’ll NEVER get it.
And that’s bad news… All you have to do is open a newspaper to know the scientists are winning.
And it’s Not Just Evolution…
As Christian conservatives, we’re losing the values we hold dear: Freedom of choice and self-determination. And it’s happening faster than at any point in our history.
More and more, the science mafia is making decisions that cut into your ability to live as you please – and of course, big government agencies are helping them along.

Tear Apart the “Theory” of EvolutionAnd Win Every Debate, Every Time…
Show any Skeptic that Evolution is Based on Myths, Falsehoods and Outrageous Lies – In 5 Minutes or Less!


Google Dorothy Lanman, new you can use, you heard it here, , jim cobb, stephanie haille, don hill

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Jim Killeens adventure through the search engines of GOOGLE to the far corners of the Earth have given him a knowledge one can only obtain throughout the journey.

Computers are now a focus of our daily lives rather than an addition to the tasks we perform each day. Strictly checking our occasional emails has become a thing of the past. Bringing the computers out of the den and into the main living area of the home for researching information, watching videos and sometimes gathering advice on the many websites available through the world-wide web. GOOGLE has produced the greatest impression and has enabled web users to connect, seek, and ultimately locate each other.

GOOGLE Me The Movie, Jim Killeen, and Blog Talk Radio are merging together for a one night event on GOOGLE Me Talk Radio! Thursday night April 24th at 8pm ET. This will be an exciting evening with the host of GOOGLE Me Talk Radio, Jim Cobb and The GOOGLE Me Man with the plan, Jim Killeen. Be sure to spend some time at for the entertaining evening.
My VM Team Elite Member

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


FIRST of it's KIND

Jim Killeen has prepared the first mold and I am sure there will be
many duplicates. Somebody has to take the bull by the horns and
show how it can be done. Sure it is new, sure it hadn't been done
before. Jim had a dream and it had been laying dormant for a
while. Due to a change of events he was challenged to proceed
and the rest is history. Sure go ahead why not let everyone copy

Google Dorothy Lanman